
Currently MultirefPredict can only be installed from source code

  1. Prerequisite: have Anaconda or miniconda installed on your system

  2. Clone MultirefPredict source from gibhub

    git clone
  3. Go to the folder root folder for MultirefPredict, create the conda environment from yaml file

    cd dev_tools/conda_envs
    conda env create -f test_env.yaml


    It is highly recommended to install the packages needed by creating environment from this yaml file. This help make sure that the version of package installed (e.g. psi4) is the same as the one tested by the developer. Installing the required packages from other distributions may result in unexpected behavior

  4. Now you have created an environment called test for with the prerequisite packages for running MultirefPredict. You can rename the environment as you like by cloning this environment to a new name and remove the origional one. For example, to rename it to multiref:

    conda create --name multiref --clone test
    conda remove --name test --all
  5. Activate the conda environment you just created. Go back to the root directory of MultirefPredict (where the file locates). Local install with pip

    cd Your_root_path_to_MultirefPrect
    pip install -e .